Share Hours
To foster a spirit of stewardship and community service, we ask both students and families to volunteer their time at local charities and within the school.
Each school year, we ask parents to support the school with volunteer hours supporting school events. This helps to build a spirit of community and involvement on campus while helping to keep costs low, keeping tuition more affordable. Adults in single-parent households are expected to give 15 hours, and adults in dual-parent households are asked to give 30 hours.
We also ask middle school students to serve 20 hours each school year. The purpose of these hours is to broaden our students’ horizons and teach them the value of helping others in the community. Teachers encourage students to volunteer with a variety of organizations so they can experience and discover new ways to become a life-long helper. Students submit share hours to their Religion teachers at the end of the school year in May.
Please talk with your student’s religion teacher for more information about Student Share Hours.
Security and student safety is of utmost importance at St. Anthony. For this reason, we require ALL adult volunteers to go through a background check and attend a C.A.S.E.safety class (Creating A Safe Environment).
New share hour jobs are posted every week. Parents are invited to visit SchoolSpeak, our secure family portal, on a regular basis to see all of the available opportunities.